Support us

We very esteem all the benefactors, who generously contribute to activities of our centre and who help people in need together with us.

 Our programmes are seemingly varied. However, we focus on people who find themselves in uneasy situation. Some of them suffer from loneliness, because they cannot communicate in a normal way, others are alone or even at risk, because they are in the environment that is unintelligible to them or even hostile.

If you are going to contribute to activities of our centre, you can choose the programme, in which you are particularly interested. In some cases, an appeal for a concrete man included in the system of our assistance, is an efficient way of help. We will also appreciate donations for the day-to-day operation of our centre. We look forward to your questions and suggestions.

David Michal,
Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Centre

If you want to offer us your financial resources, material support, partnership or another way of help, please contact our project coordinator and fundraiser:

Petr Bruna,, +420 732 777 638

If you want to support especially the work with migrants, please contact the project coordinator:

Alena Fendrychová;